
Antiseptic Cream

Safety first

What it does:

Himalaya’s soothing Antiseptic Cream, which contains Aloe Vera, Almond, Indian Madder and other natural ingredients, is an excellent treatment for cuts, wounds, burns, rashes, sores and fungal skin infections.

Key ingredients:

  • Aloe Vera is used extensively in Ayurveda to treat wounds, burns, dermatitis and other skin ailments. Its antibacterial and astringent properties accelerate the healing of injured skin.
  • Almond is an excellent skin softener and restores the natural moisture of your skin. The vitamin A in the oil fights infections. Its astringent properties help heal irritable sores and skin eruptions.
  • Five-Leaved Chaste Tree has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is useful in treating sores and skin infections.