
Fairness Kesar Face Pack

What it does:

Himalaya’s Fairness Kesar Face Pack is a unique natural formulation that evens out skin tone for a fairer you! Turmeric, Walnut, Indian Aloe and Saffron rejuvenate and cleanse your skin of impurities, to reveal a natural glow. Walnut and Indian Aloe heals skin and removes blackheads. Turmeric and Saffron enhances your skin’s complexion and elasticity. Cinnablockā„¢, our patented herbal sunblock, protects your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Key ingredients:

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe your skin gently. The herb helps to even out your skin tone and complexion. It also helps to retain the skin’s elasticity and makes it supple.
